DjPunjab Official

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Rado The Dreams (V Jass)
Black Car (Msnoopy)
Killer Eyes (Bobby Sandhu and Jaymeet) [R]
Manglik (Kamal Grewal) [R]
Mulaqata (Kindaa Aujla)
Sajna Ve (Hardev Mahinangal) [R]
Hey you (Msnoopy)
Baby (Msnoopy)
Yaar Bolda-Mukhda Dekh Ke (Gitaz Bindrakhia and Surjit Bindrakhia)
Zamanat (Deepak Dhillon) [R]
Photographer Party Anthem Song 2017 (MS Chandhok)
6 Ladi Pag (Pamma Dumewal) [R]
Sache Yaar (Pamma Dumewal) [R]
Sohni Girl (Msnoopy)
Philosophy (Msnoopy)
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