DjPunjab Official

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Download UpsideDown Top 20 Mp3 Songs DjPunjab

1. Ik Ik Pal (Maninder Buttar) [R]
2. Naina (Upsidedown Remix) (The Prophec and Mickey Singh)
3. Got It All (The PropheC and UpsideDown) [R]
4. Delete (G Sidhu and Amar Sandhu) [R]
5. Who Cares (Maninder Buttar)
6. Cyclone (Jaz Dhami and UpsideDown) [R]
7. Senorita (Jernade, Happy Singh, UpsideDown and others...) [R]
8. Proper Punjabi (Amar Sandhu)
9. How Many Shots (Amar Sandhu)
10. Mood (Amar Sandhu)
11. Kaatil (Vaibhav Kundra) [R]
12. Saturday (Amar Sandhu)
13. Dekhi Dekhi (Amar Sandhu)
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