DjPunjab Official

Play song
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Kinna Chir (Jass Sidhu)
Jaan (Jass Deep)
Streets On Lock (Gurlej Akhtar and Jassa)
Chief Guest (Amar Sehmbi) [R]
Jatti Teri Fan (Gurman Sandhu and Gurlez Akhtar)
Soorme (Tarsem Jassar) [R]
Kaarname (Jass Dhaliwal and Rouble Malhi)
Teekhe Nain (Jassa Dhillon and Baani Sandhu) [R]
Raule (Jassa Dhillon and Gurlez Akhtar)
Above All (Jassa Dhillon and Gur Sidhu)
Nahio Dabde (Jassa Dhillon)
Bhalwani Gedi (Jassa Dhillon) [R]
Teekhe Nain (Jassa Dhillon and Baani Sandhu)
Ja Ve Sajjna (Jassa Dhillon)
Talja (Jassa Dhillon and Deepak Dhillon)
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